maths study via The Open University

Archive for December, 2013

M381 TMA1 back and progressing through the next bits

I have been somewhat slack in keeping M381 study going since submitting the first TMA. Lots of other stuff to do, including making progress with some maths courses from alternative tertiary education providers.

To that end, I have set aside 16 hours a week from Saturday to plough directly into M381 – I’m thinking eight hours on each Saturday and Sunday as my, er, social calendar is looking a bit empty for the winter months.

So, TMA1 back – a couple of small omissions on my part and a little red pen where it became clear that I, correctly, answered one question but it was in an out-of-the-box style the university wasn’t expecting. Proof by induction – be gone. 🙂 [Didn’t specify PBI so didn’t do it that way.]

I am starting to make headway with analytic number theory as a separate interest – I *think* (read, may change direction for the 20th time) I want to have a bash at The Calculus of Variations and Analytic Number Theory I, at least, from the Masters syllabus once the undergrad stuff is out of the way.

Hope everyone got the TMA result they were after.