maths study via The Open University

Archive for October, 2011

Legendre Differential Equation

Thanks to doctorphys on Youtube for these detailed but followable videos on an introductory MST326 topic.

MST326 – Cauchy-Euler derivation

This derivation is one of the first things introduced in MST326, and is very simple compared with what quickly follows. 🙂

Thanks to Youtube poster hifhif123.

Ah well

This year’s paper has been released.
Without the pressure of the exam, I went through it and, remembering the mistakes I made on Tuesday – reckon it’ll be a pass two.
It seemed a lot easier today without exam pressure.
A fair paper, indeed.

Without the exam pressure, the questions that gave me trouble became very do-able. That’s one of the more important things – I do have the knowledge, but failed to apply it on Tuesday, when I was in a rushed, almost tunnel-vision frame of mind.

Exam technique, therefore, needs work.

I think I should have a bash at SM358 and MS324 next. If anyone knows where on the OU site the introductory SM358 materials might be, I’d be grateful for a tip. I can’t find them.

I’d like to start with them now before making a final decision in November about registering.

I think I’ll also buy some past MS324 exams to see what the main topics could be.

Erm, what just happened?

Caveat: these are my thoughts and, as such, are not representative of other students or body of students.

    Not loving today’s paper.

    Not a train-wreck but not exactly an easy paper.

    Which leads to the question: “Was it difficult?”

    Which is hard to answer.

    Because it was unusual.

    The part one was definitely tougher than previous years, with a lot more working out required, and one or two odd-ball questions.

    The part two questions were possibly on a par with previous part twos, though two gave me some trouble so got left until the end.

    But time elapsed before I got back to them, so that was 10 marks gone from the possible 115.

    Part three. Hmm. Totally different style. Bitty questions. Lots of physics. Not so much maths.
    I stuffed up one part of one of them – realising my mistake as I was on the way home.

    Some on the forum found the paper pretty ok, some found it tough. I’m not aware of anyone who thought it was easy.

    Some at the exam centre weren’t confident of any grade of pass, though I truly hope they do fine.

    It was, it seems, one of those papers where it’s quite hard to predict your score.

    But I’ll have a go anyway. I reckon I got somewhere in the 80s. Pass grade one or pass grade two? I truly have no idea.

    I’d have preferred a paper whose part three questions more closely resembled the format of the previous years.

    Still, I get what I get. I did my best against a bit of a curveball, and I’m the best I can be right now (to quote Tom Platz).

    I hope my fellow MST209ers reading this blog did okay in the exam.

    And to those reading with a view to doing MST209 next year – be prepared for a bit of a “what… erm… right…” moment when you buy and download the 2011 paper for revision a year from now.

    And two notes to myself:

    1) bring enough money for parking next time. £5.50s-worth.
    2) practise on wide-lined lined paper not blank, or narrow-lined.

    Off to have a nosey around the course forums for my two level 3 business modules, which kind of start today. I see one of my tutors is in Northern Ireland. That should make travel to tutorials interesting. 🙂

    Now, the burning question: SM358 and MS324, just SM358, just MS324, or bottle it in February next year?